About Me

My photo
This is another completely pointless blog, a place to show some off my photographs. Most of this stuff belongs to me. If you want to use it, feel free, but please credit my work. Enjoy.



Art and Photography:

Graphic design stuff: webdesignledger.com

Some excellent photographs: www.noupe.com

Photography hints and tips: www.lightstalking.com

National Geographic photo of the day: www.nationalgeographic.com

Experimental photography: www.lomography.com

Random collection of pictures and that: Lost, Stolen or Ripped Off


All round extreme sports videos and articles: mpora.com

Sweet surf and photography blog: The Daily Bread

Another good surf blog: Adventures in Trim

Cool Stuff:

Science and technology stuff: gizmodo.com

Self-explanatory: www.punchinthefacebook.com

Random collection of pictures and that: Lost, Stolen or Ripped Off